Miyerkules, Setyembre 7, 2011

K-12: Beneficial or not? (An Argumentative Essay)

          Philippines is one of the countries in the world that is popular when it comes to education. Filipinos value education and have a high respect on it. Statistics shows that they are more diligent than of those people of the other country when it comes to education. We are also famous because of the personalities who represent the Philippines in some Academic Contests internationally. That’s one way of uplifting the country’s status. Those are prides of the Filipino citizens but still, problems from the Filipinos who have a lower class living status arises and badly affects their educational needs. There are some children or adult especially the fresh high school graduates who have the high percentage of not having the opportunity to enrol in college because of several instances or problems. That is also added in the problems affecting the country’s development. For that reason, The DepEd sector was alarmed that’s why they made a proposal which is the K+12. What is K+12 in the country’s educational system?
          K-12 education is an innovative education system. It is a program that will require all incoming students to enrol into two more years of basic education. Thus, the K+12 System will basically include the Universal kindergarten, 6 years of elementary, 4 years of junior high school with an additional 2 years for senior high school. Furthermore, a pupil who wants to enrol in Grade 1 with the appropriate age without taking his kindergarten is not accepted. He must finish kindergarten in order for him to take the next step which is the first grade level in elementary.  The other one which is the additional 2 years in the secondary level is for the senior high school and that two years that will aid some barriers of the Filipino youth when it comes to education. This proposal is part of P-Noy's Educational Reform Program .The administration states that with the implementation of such program, it’s not only the problem of the youth towards education but also the unemployment in the country will be resolved. According to the P-Noy’s administration, in as much as employment in the Philippines is concerned, the K12 education also responds to the fact that most countries in the world already have the same plan in their educational institutions. With this, the standards of these countries go a score higher than what the country has, thus, creating an expansion in the global competency.
          Moreover the program aims to uplift the quality of education in the Philippines in order for graduates to be easily employed. The program also aims to meet the standards required for professionals who would want to work abroad. Most importantly, the system aims to fully enhance and develop the students in order for them to be well-prepared especially in emotional and cognitive aspects. Through this, graduates will be able to face the pressures of their future workplace. (http://factoidz.com/k12-education-in-the-philippines/)
          Many parents especially the students are complaining with this system that will sooner be implemented. Some says that it is a burden for the parents as well as to the students because of the additional payments and allowances that will be encountered and spent.  The government also has a responsibility with this sytem as to the additional fund for the education sector. Aside from this, students will need additional classrooms, school supplies and facilities. The program would need more qualified teachers as well. Filipinos are Filipinos, we keep on complaining without knowing the fact that it is very beneficial not only for the youth but also for the country’s progress. Let’s face the fact and reality that we are being left by the other countries in terms of education standards and economic status. They are practicing this system that’s why they are becoming competent in different areas. One of those countries I am pertaining is the U.S.A., it is a progressive country as well as its different states. Can we still have the complaints and doubts with this system if we, Filipinos, are the ones who will benefit from it?
          According to the proponents and DepEd authorities who are keep on pushing this system in the Philippine Education, it has lots of advantages and benefits.  A student who will graduate from this system and has a financial problem to enter college life will not encounter anymore problems when it comes to jobs. The additional 2 years which is the senior high will serve as their training background for their future jobs and as they finish those levels, they will become productive citizens of the country. The country then will not be facing anymore problems to the unemployment of the youth and even for the high standards in education. Parents also will benefit from this system because what sweat they had in pushing their child in schooling will be replaced by happiness and nicer life. Another advantage is for the students to give more time in master competencies and skills as well as time for other learning opportunities beyond the classroom, thus, allowing for a more holistic development. DepEd authorities are having the full force to push this system in the Philippine setting.
          Therefore, K12 in the Philippines is beneficial especially to the youth.

2 komento:

  1. Hi James, I totally agree with you! With a senior highschool program in place, Filipinos don't have to worry about studying again abroad. I think by being K to 12 graduate, you will be work ready to other countries.
